
Ankara Cape!

Ankara Cape: c/o Shiraba (to purchase, email:  // Dress:  Amazon  (Similar) // Shoes: Calvin Klein (also here) // Clutch: c/o AnkaraLuv // Watch: Similar // Cuff: Similar, Similar // Sunglasses: Similar, Similar

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Hi, Friends!!!  How was your July 4th holiday?  I hope it was fun.  Mine was spent mostly relaxing, which was nice.  These days I cherish any day that I don’t have any plans.  This weekend I have plans though.  I’m headed to Dallas for a wedding!  I’m looking forward to having a weekend away.  I need a vacation!  Stay tuned to my Insta for pics from the wedding and Instastories!  It should be a lot of fun.  I can’t wait!

So, remember the Ankara tie from this post?  Well, the same designer, Shiraba, made the awesome Ankara cape in my look today!  I’ve been a big fan of Ankara statement pieces for awhile.  Several years ago, I saw an elaborate Ankara necklace and I think that might have opened my eyes to such Ankara statement pieces. I can’t remember the first time I saw an Ankara cape, but I’ve wanted one for awhile.  I most recently saw one on Omarosa of all people *rolls eyes*.  She was on an episode of Say Yes to the Dress, and she wore one into the store.  I thought she looked fantastic!  As a side note, that’s the only time I’ve ever found her to be likable.  Much to my surprise, she was just a regular, happy bride-to-be and she seemed nice.  Unfortunately, I can’t find a pic of her outfit.  If I ever find one, I’ll be sure to share it.  Anyway, back to the outfit.  The Ankara cape is so special.  Can you see the details?  It’s a mix of several different prints!!  It’s definitely a way to add some fun to an outfit!  I decided to pair it with a yellow bodycon dress and black shoes/accessories.  What are your thoughts?  Would you ever wear a statement piece like an Ankara cape?

Have a great weekend, and thanks so much for reading!

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Photographer: Jerren Willis Photography

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