
Boss Babe in 2018

Dress: Nordstrom // Coat: Similar, Similar // OTK Boots: DSW // Bag: Similar, Similar // Scarf: Similar, Similar 

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Oh hey, Friends!  And hey, 2018!  We’re now at the end of the first week of 2018.  I’m sure before we know it, we’ll be at the end of the year!  And at the end of this year, I want to be in a completely different place mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially than I am now.  Like I mentioned in my last post, today I’m going to talk to you about some of my 2018 goals.  This post is appropriately titled because I plan to make some real BOSS BABE moves in 2018.   There’s so much I want to accomplish this year, and I’m creating very specific goals.  I’m honestly still working on what I want those goals to be and how I plan to accomplish them, but I wanted to share some of them with you guys!!

One of the biggest things I want to work on this year is my finances!  I am committed to learning more about how I can accomplish my financial goals by reading books, listening to podcasts, etc. and translating what I learn into practical steps that I can implement in my every day life.  Do you have any financial books or podcasts that have helped you??  If so, please shoot me a message or comment below. I recently read (via audiobook) the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.  I devoured this information and I’m starting to implement the steps in the book to get my finances in order.  I’m mostly excited about having a plan of attack.   I believe that having a specific plan to accomplish my goals is crucial in being able to achieve them.  Speaking of…I just got a really great planner for Christmas, the Panda Planner.  I love it because it prompts me to focus on things that help increase productivity, time management, and even gratitude!  It’s pretty great so far.  And it’s not dated, so I can use it as much or as a little as necessary depending on my needs.

On the topic of finances, another thing I want to focus on this year is figuring out more ways to monetize my blog, so that I’m able to continue to publish fresh content for you guys! I plan to seek out more partnerships with brands this year, which will hopefully translate into better, higher quality content.   I have never wanted this blog to be about hawking products, so I want to make sure any product I’m promoting or endorsing is something I really like and believe in.  I’ll be sure to be transparent about when a post is sponsored and give my honest thoughts about any sponsored products.   Speaking of transparency, in case you are unaware (I mentioned it in a previous post), the way I currently monetize my blog is through affiliate commissions. Most of the time, if you click on a link from my blog and purchase something, I will get a small commission.   It’s basically a referral fee from the retailer for bringing them a customer. Of course, it is up to you whether or not you choose to use QOS links to shop, but it really helps me out when you do!  Not only does it help me a little bit financially, but it also helps me track the type of posts/outfits you are loving, which helps me with content creation.

Another thing I want to explore this year is personal styling.  This blog has provided a way for me to help people with their personal style by way of inspiration, but I also want to be able to help people on a one-on-one basis.  I’m still working on what types of services I’ll be able to offer.  If this is something you might be interested in, send me a message here or an email at and let me know what type of one-on-one help would benefit you.  I am always available if you want my advice on an outfit or if you need help finding something to wear to an event.  Just contact me!  I help friends which such things all the time.  My track record is pretty solid. Lol.

I could go on and on about all of the other things I want to accomplish this year, but today I’ll just keep the focus on the boss babe moves I want to make in 2018.  In future posts, I’ll discuss some of my other personal goals.   What are some of your 2018 goals?? Drop a note in the comments!  Have a great weekend, and thanks so much for reading!!

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Photographer: Jerren Willis Photography



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  1. Check out the MoneyGirl podcast! Great, easy to digest information. She also has a private Facebook group you can join.

    1. Awesome!! Thanks for the suggestion, Mandy! I have now subscribed and listened to a few episodes! 🙂