
Butterfly Shift Dress

Dress: 3ReeCs Butterfly Shift Dress // Shoes: Calvin Klein Vable (Here)// Clutch:  Similar, Similar, Similar // Watch: Similar // Bracelets: Mantraband, Cuff // Earrings: SimilarSimilar, Similar

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Hi, y’all!!!  How has everybody been?  I have been BUSY!  I’ve been working to get ready for New York Fashion week (NYFW).  It’s in about 2 weeks, and I have so much to do!  I have no idea what to wear.  I have no idea which shows I’m going to!  All I know is that I’m going, and it will be incredible!!  It’s going to be such a great opportunity.  I’m going to do my best to keep you guys updated on how I’m getting ready for my trip.  I also want to update you while I’m there with somewhat of a travel diary and an update on shows, etc.  Make sure you subscribe and follow (IG, FB) so you can keep up with all of my NYFW posts #queenofsleevestakesnyfw!

Ok, now that you know what’s going on with me and NYFW, let’s quickly discuss this 3reeCs butterfly shift dress!  It’s so fun, right?  Do you remember the top in my Easy Print Mixing post?  In that post, I said, “[t]here’s a dress that’s coming to the blog soon, maybe next week, from Chic Creations and Collections [3reeCs] that has the same fabric as this top, but is mixed with another fabric too….it’s super cute.  You’ll know it when you see it, and, of course, I’ll remind you!” Then I went on to talk about mixing prints.  So…did you know the dress when you saw it??  For the two of you that read my blog, did you remember?? Lol.  I love the colors and the sleeves on this dress.  I particularly love the pattern on the bodice of the dress.  3reeCs has pants that are in that print, and I want them!  I paired the dress with my favorite Calvin Klein Shoes and fun accessories.  What are your thoughts?

Thanks SO MUCH to those of you that entered the fringe statement necklace giveaway from last week!!!  Without further ado, the randomly selected winner of the Stephanie Bijoux necklace is…drum roll…Langsteen!!!!!  Congratulations, Langsteen!!  I know you will love the necklace.  Every day I’ve worn it, I’ve gotten tons of compliments.  All of you can use the code “Queenofsleeves” to get 20% off at Stephanie Bijoux!!  The next giveaway is coming soon!!  Have a great week, and thanks so much for reading!!

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Photographer: Jerren Willis Photography

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