
Casual Monochrome – Shades of Grey

Dress: Who What Wear T-shirt Maxi (and in black)// Shoes: Here, Here, Similar // Bag: Similar, Similar // Necklace: Similar, Similar, Similar // Sunglasses: Similar // Watch: Similar // Bracelet: Similar

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Hello, Friends!!!  I hope all of you had an amazing weekend!  I was all over the place this weekend.  If you follow me on Instagram/Facebook, you’ll see that I went to Waco to my alma mater, Baylor University, to attend my sister-in-law’s graduation!  She got her MBA!! #girlboss.  After the hooding ceremony, we all had a great time taking pics and getting ice cream!!  Then, I headed to Austin to hang out with some of my peeps.  On Sunday, I didn’t get a chance to spend time with my mom because she was not in town, so I stayed in Austin and visited some of my favorite wineries in the hill country!! It was a bit hot, but it was very nice and relaxing with lots of great wine!!

Now, let’s talk about this look!  I love this maxi dress!!  It’s from the Who What Wear collection at Target, which I talked about a little bit in my last post.  I also mentioned in that post that I had a mini shopping spree the other day at Target.  Well, this is one of the things I bought!  I bought this grey maxi dress and the black version (and this dress).  It’s super comfortable and flattering, and I love that it can be dressed up or down.  It can be worn as pictured with flats or tennis shoes and casual accessories, or it can be dressed up with heels and statement accessories!!  One cool thing about this dress is that it’s double layered…which is both good and bad.  The good – it’s more flattering because there’s an extra barrier between you and the outside world.  The bad – the extra barrier can make things a little warm.  Houston gets very hot, so it’s not the kind of dress I’d want to walk around in for long periods of time outside.  However, it’s perfect for traveling or wearing anywhere in air conditioning!  How would you style this versatile maxi dress?

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve finally integrated on the blog, so you can shop my Instagram posts from the widget in the sidebar or the widget in the footer below.  Just click on the picture and you’ll see the shopping details! I will note that I’ve had a couple of issues with the footer.  Please do me a favor: try to leave a comment on this post and let me know if you have any issues (here).  Thanks! Have an amazing week, and thanks so much for reading!!

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