
Gone With The Wind Fabulous

Jacket: Target // Skirt: Similar, Similar // Shoes: Similar, Similar // Belt: Similar // Earrings: Similar // Bag: Similar // Sunglasses: Similar

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Hi, Friends and Sleevenistas!!  I hope y’all have been doing well.  It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been on here.   My birthday and blog anniversary were on election day, which was a pretty stressful day. lol.  It was a good one though.  Then that weekend, I headed to New Orleans and had an amazing time catching up with friends from law school. It was my 10-year reunion! It was so good to see everyone, some of whom I haven’t seen since we graduated!  One of my friends/classmates even came all the way from Paris, France.  Isn’t that awesome?!  We were a special class.  If you follow me on IG, you followed along on my trip.  Now that I’m back, I’ve been trying to get caught up. I’m also starting to look forward to a new year and create new goals/reevaluate old ones.

Regarding the blog, my goal is to try to prepare and figure out how to be more organized, so that in 2019 I can get back to my regular posting schedule.  I know I’ve been all over the place this year.  Thanks for sticking with me!  This year has gone by so fast.  I can’t believe Thanksgiving (and Black Friday!) is this week!  I will continue to post this week, so I’ll be able to give y’all some black Friday tips/deals. I’ve also started compiling ideas for my gift guides…they’re going to be really good this year, so stay tuned for that!

Oh yeah…before I forget, let me talk briefly about the look for today! Isn’t it gone with the wind fabulous? This look was inspired by one of my blogger friends.  She posted a similar look, and I loved the idea of belting a blazer and pairing it with a tulle skirt.  In this instance, I decided to try belting a bomber jacket. What are your thoughts?  Would you try belting a blazer?

Have a great week, and thanks so much for reading!

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Photography: Amauche and Vivian O Photography

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