
Happy 2020!

Dress: Amazon // Shoes: Amazon // Bag: Amazon // Earrings: Amazon

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Hi, Friends and Sleevenistas!  Happy New Year!!  Even though we may be past the sequin holiday dress season, I thought it was still appropriate to start the year on the blog with this green sequin mini dress!  After all, there are plenty of opportunities throughout the year to wear sequins (birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, parties, etc.), and this dress is under $43 and comes in several colors!

Y’all, it’s 2020! Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t talked to you in over a month!  If you saw my last couple of posts on Instagram (here and here), then you’ll know that a lot was brewing for me at the end of 2019 that started off 2020 with a bang!  I got a new job!  And let me tell you, it’s a dream job.  God is SO good!  I feel so fortunate and grateful for this opportunity!  Yes, it’s an attorney job.  I don’t currently have any plans to blog full time. 🙂   I worked too hard and invested too much into becoming an attorney, so I don’t plan to give it up anytime soon! Anyway, with the new job, came the desire/necessity to upgrade my work wardrobe.  So, I’ve been doing an excessive amount of shopping, and it’s been really difficult, quite frankly, to find properly fitting clothes (specifically, pants) so expect upcoming work style posts where I can share with you what worked for me and what didn’t.

The whole job interview process was a long one that tested my faith a little bit and often affected my mood.  I used all of that as an excuse to remain inconsistent with blogging, so I’m trying to get back on track by getting started one post at a time!  As per usual, thank you for being so patient with me!  I said it best in my last Instagram roundup blog post, “sometimes you have to force yourself to start back up again, especially when it’s important to you. That’s the hardest part. Then, keep working towards your goals. Every day is a new challenge, but you can do it! And so can I.”  So, now I’m facing this challenge head-on.  This is post number one.

Have a great week, and thanks so much for reading!

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Photography: Lois Campos Fotography

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  1. Congrats on the new job! And you look great, as usual! Also, my go-to for work pants is Loft (check out their outlet online as well!).

    1. Thank you so much!! For me, Loft pants don’t work quite as well (I think they’re too narrow, but I need to try the curvy fit to see if it works better), but I LOVE their tops. I bought quite a few recently.