Dress: Similar, Similar, Similar // Jacket: Similar, Similar, Similar // Shoes: Similar, Similar // Clutch: Similar, Similar // Earrings: Similar, Similar
Hi, Friends!! Today I continue with the recap from my trip to New York for Fashion Week. Day 3 was AMAZING (for me anyway)!!! We had to miss one of our runway shows (Runa Ray SS18) because it conflicted with an Olivia Palermo Meet and Greet at Banana Republic. I LOVE Olivia Palermo’s style. I’ve been obsessed with her style for awhile, so I couldn’t pass up the chance to meet her in person! When we arrived at the Banana Republic on 5th Avenue, we saw two lines. One was for the Olivia Palermo Meet and Greet and one for the Banana Republic runway show. I sooooooooo wanted to go to the runway show. Little did I know that we were going to be able to do both!!
Waiting to get into in Banana Republic. We met a new blogger friend, Lesha, while in the line.
So, when we got into the store, the setup was pretty cool. The room was filled with media, bloggers/influencers, and members of the public. There were ropes around the store that created a makeshift runway. They lined us up behind the ropes. As I was looking around the room, I recognized several big-time bloggers. It was really exciting for me because bloggers I’ve been following for years were there, and I would later get to meet them in person.
So, then the show started. If you follow me on Instagram, I streamed the show live on my Instastories. The models walked briskly around the room showcasing Olivia Palermo’s Fall 2017 Collection for Banana Republic. The looks were SO chic. There were a lot of military and bohemian details. I loved everything about it! After the models went around the room, they went outside to pose on a stage in front of the store. Apparently, while they were out there, someone tried to jump on the stage, so the models came back inside and lined up on the stairs. The entire time they were up there, photographers were going back and forth, so I never got a clear picture of all of the looks.
The models on the stairs inside Banana Republic
Olivia was on the stairs at some point with the models, as everyone applauded her job well done!! She didn’t seem like she was particularly happy, perhaps because of the issue that happened outside with the models. So we were worried that she was no longer going to come down and meet us!! In the meanwhile, we started to mix and mingle! There were waiters passing around champagne and macarons….it was bliss. And since the room was filled with so many fashionistas, I started to find some to talk to and take pictures! Everyone was so nice!! I met (or saw) bloggers, like Color Me Courtney, Merricks Art, Champagne and Chanel, the Miller Effect, Courtney Kerr of Kerrently, and the Haute Hijab.
Clowning around with the super fun Color Me Courtney
Eventually, Olivia came down and they created a line to meet her! I was so excited!! I didn’t know what to expect when I met her. I didn’t watch the City, but I heard she was not so nice on that show. Lol. But when I walked up, she had a huge smile and greeted me. I told her that I loved her collection and I’ve always loved her style, and whenever I look for street style inspiration, I search “Olivia Palermo style” on Pinterest. She laughed and thanked me, then we took a pic!
Isn’t she so pretty?? After the meet and greet, I did a little bit of shopping. I tried to find a top I had seen, so I could purchase it. They didn’t have my size in store, so I left empty handed. Fun fact though: I found the top (here) in my local store and bought it on Friday. I can’t wait to wear it!
After we left Banana Republic, we ended up at a Coffee Shop Cafe where we ate lunch a few tables away from basketball player, Serge Ibaka!! That was pretty cool. Then we headed over to visit Carrie Bradshaw’s house from Sex and the City!! There was a pretty large crowd around taking pics, but for whatever reason, they stayed across the street. We got right in front and I took some pictures.
After we left Carrie’s house, we took some more pics. I was determined to get a picture looking fierce walking across a street. Did I achieve my goal?? Lol.
After that, we grabbed some pizza and went back to the hotel. When we got back to the room, what was on tv?? The Sex and the City movie!! We got to see Carrie prancing down the stairs of the stoop we had just visited! Perfect ending to NYFW Day 3. Stay tuned for NYFW Day 4, another of my favorite days! Look out for that one on Tuesday! Have a great week, and thanks so much for reading!!!
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Yes! You look so fierce!
Haha. Thanks, Minto!!
OMG!!!!! Carrie bradshaw’s place,and yes!!! U nailed the work. Looking all fierce.
Thank you, dear!!!
Looking good, Nnekypoo!
Thanks, Eefs!!!