
Pre-Thanksgiving Instagram Roundup + Early 2019 Black Friday Deals

Dress: c/o Lark & Ro // Cardigan: Amazon // Shoes: Report // Bag: Similar // Sunglasses: Similar, Similar // Earrings: Amazon

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Shop this look: HERE

Shop this look: HERE (Click on the pic to shop the specific look or scroll below for my other Amazon finds!)

Shop this look: HERE (Click on the pic to shop the specific look or scroll below for my other Amazon finds!)

Shop this look: HERE

Shop this look: HERE

Shop this look: HERE

Shop this look: HERE (Click on the pic to shop the specific look or scroll below for my other Amazon finds!)

Shop this look: HERE (Click on the pic to shop the specific look or scroll below for my other Amazon finds!)

Shop this look: HERE

Shop this look: HERE

Shop this look: HERE (Click on the pic to shop the specific look or scroll below for my other Amazon finds!)

Shop this look: HERE

Shop this look: HERE (Click on the pic to shop the specific look or scroll below for my other Amazon finds!)

Shop this look: HERE

*This post contains affiliate links.  Thanks so much for supporting my business by shopping through my links!*

Hi,  Friends and Sleevenistas!! Happy day before Thanksgiving!! I know it’s been a while.  With all that’s been going on lately with work, life, etc., I’ve been struggling to get motivated.  Yesterday, I saw a reply to a Facebook post that resonated with me.  It’s nothing major, but, it explained what’s been going on with me because I was starting to wonder. Lol. The post was in a blogging group and a girl mentioned how she struggled to find things to post about in her Instastories because she felt she had nothing exciting to share.  And another blogger replied, ” I feel like it’s a lot like working out 😂when you make yourself do it often, you end up doing it naturally but when you stop it’s hard to get back in the groove! Just try making one every day even if it’s just your outfit, or your dog, or talking about your day!”  It’s such a simple concept.

I think that’s exactly what’s happened to me regarding blogging consistency and even working out for that matter.  Instead of doing a little bit every day, I stopped doing it altogether and it’s been hard to get back on track!  Remember when I said this would be the year of the routine (Check out the post HERE. I had a lot of good tips in that post.)??  That didn’t happen.  Lol. I wanted to be consistent with my workout and skincare routines and even blogging schedule.  There are many benefits to staying consistent. Not just to see results or to build good habits, but it also keeps you motivated!  When I first started blogging, I was working ALL THE TIME.  I’d come home from work and I’d work on the blog, editing pictures, looking for the clothes to link, searching for inspiration for new outfits or new posts, etc.  Over the weekends, I’d also spend all my free time working.  Then after I moved, I took a big break.  Have you noticed that whenever I take a break from the blog, it’s a long one?? It’s because after you’ve taken a break from doing something that’s a lot of work or that’s difficult, it’s hard to get back in the groove after you’ve lost that momentum!

Anyway, all that to say, sometimes you have to force yourself to start back up again, especially when it’s important to you.  That’s the hardest part.  Then, keep working towards your goals.  Every day is a new challenge, but you can do it! And so can I.

Above are some of my recent Instagram posts! My original plan was to do blog posts with ALL  of these looks, but since I’ve been in a bit of a rut, those posts didn’t happen.  I’m working on it, Friends.  I haven’t done much to prepare for the holidays, but I’ve been working on my gift guides!  I’ve created a running list of the things I want for Christmas and things I’ve seen that will make great gifts.  It’s a really long list! Hopefully, I’ll be able to work on that over this holiday weekend to post next week.  Pray for me. Lol.

If you need gift ideas ASAP to shop on Black Friday, check out my previous gift guides HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.  There are so many great ideas! Happy Shopping!

Have a great week, y’all, and enjoy your Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Some stores already have early Black Friday deals:

Express: 50% Off + free shipping

Banana Republic: 50% Off

Ann Taylor: 50% off

Boohoo: 60% off (such a great place to get dresses)

Target: Early Black Friday deals for redcard holders

Old Navy: 50 % off

Wayfair: Sales up to 80% off


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