
Sleeves and the City: Minisode 3 – Street Chic

Top: Similar // Skirt: SGTC Clothing // Shoes: Calvin Klein // Bag: Target // Sunglasses: Forever 21 

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Hi, Friends!! I hope you’re having a marvelous week! Today, we continue with my NYFW recaps! We had a brief outfit minisode in between my last recap, so where were we…in Minisode 1, I arrived in NYC after some drama and enjoyed a day party on a rooftop with fellow bloggers.  Today’s minisode continues from that point.  After the Rewardstyle event, I headed back to the hotel to meet up with my friend Chantal, then we got ready for the Chromat SS19 runway show.  Let me let you in on a little secret…I didn’t get invited to the Chromat show!  In order to get into these fashion week shows, you need an invite.  But my friend with the invite was tired and didn’t want to go, so I volunteered to go in her place and I am SO glad I did!!  First of all, it was in the main fashion week venue for this year, Spring Studios.  I preferred last year’s main venue though…more on that later.  I wish it could go back to being in Bryant Park, so I could experience what a fashion week at Bryant Park would be like!!

Anyhoo, Chantal and I arrived at Spring Studios to a ridiculously long line that went around the corner.  We looked at each other and said…”oh no, we’re not doing this.”  So instead of going to the back of the line, like normal people would do, we pretended as if we were important (we are!) and walked confidently up to the front of the line.  And it worked!  Tee hee.  When we got in line, we were right behind a blogger we both follow, Paola.  She had been a panelist at a blogger conference we both attended in Houston.  She is gorgeous and amazing.  We started chatting with her, and she explained that she was at the show to support her friend, Mama Cax, who was going to be a model in the show.  We were excited because Mama Cax is an amputee, so her inclusion in the show already spoke to the diversity that we had to look forward to.

When we eventually got in and got seated, we were treated to an AMAZING show.  I loved every bit of it!!  The diversity was awesome.  They had models that were of various shapes and sizes, races, ages, trans models, etc.  It was so cool to witness, especially for my first show of the year.  *pics from HERE* After the show, the girl sitting next to me said, “did you see Whoopi Goldberg over there?”  I said, “Exsqueeze me?! Whoopi is here?!!” because I had not seen her!  So,  Chantal and I went on the hunt…and we found her!  She was super gracious and happy to take photos with all who asked.  We also ran into a few famous stylists in the fashion industry that we love, Kahlana Barfield (a (recently) former Instyle Magazine editor) and Ty Hunter (Beyoncé’s former stylist!). and this guy…(he said he’s a designer)It was an amazing night, and our night still wasn’t over!  After the show, we headed to the Lulu’s Style Studio party!  I’ll recap the Lulu’s party in my next post.  It will be an outfit minisode, but I’ll tell y’all what happened there.

Enjoy your week, and thanks so much for reading!

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