
Swimsuits with Sleeves 2018

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*To shop the looks above, just click directly on the item you love and you will be taken to where you can buy it!*

Hi, Friends and Sleevenistas!! I’m so sorry for the abrupt departure with no explanation.  My auntie called me the other day to ask where I’ve been on the blog and informed me that it was rude to disappear with no warning.  Lol.  My bad!  I intended to post the week before last to let you know I would be missing in action for a couple of weeks, but around that time, I was too overwhelmed to get the post out.  My sincerest apologies!  As many of you know, blogging is not my full-time job.  Maybe it will be someday, but that day is not today.  I am a lawyer by day and lately, I’ve just had a lot going on both professionally and personally.   I’ve experienced a lot of growing pains this year with all I’m trying to accomplish, which is a good thing, but I haven’t really been able to give the blog the attention that it deserves.  I really miss you guys though!!  It may be another week or two before I’m back in full effect and on my regular posting schedule, so please continue to bear with me.   When I come back, I’ll explain more about what’s been going on.  In the meanwhile, I couldn’t let too much time to pass before I give you all some sleeved swimsuit options for the summer!!  Afterall, it’s June!!

You may remember my post from last year, Swimsuits with Sleeves…That’s a Thing?  Well, it’s still a thing, y’all.  So many cute sleeved options out there!  There is something for all shapes and sizes.  What I love about the variety is that, if you have an issue with your arms, like many of us do, you can show off an asset that you are more comfortable with, while still keeping your arms, or part of your arms, covered.  Maybe you have a small waist or cleavage you want to show off or a great back or whatever!  There’s a suit for you.  I have 2 of the suits above, this one (under $22) and this one (under $17), both from Amazon.  If you get this one, which is really great because it looks like mixed Ankara prints, you have to size up!  It is cut really small.  I ended up getting an XL, and I still think it’s a little bit tight around the shoulders.  Hopefully, I can do a shoot in it soon, so you can see what it looks like on me.  What are your thoughts about swimsuits with sleeves?  Do you have any?  Would you buy any?  Let me know in the comments!

I’ve been updating my shop page so that you can shop the items that I’m currently loving, while I’m on this indefinite break.  I add to it whenever I see something cute, so make sure to check it out frequently!  Have a great weekend, and thanks so much for reading!!

Shop more swimsuits!!

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  1. Hehe your auntie is funny. I missed your outfits too but glad you are well. I would most definitely like to see you do a couple of posts with 2 sets that you have. 😉 That’s a great idea. I love the pattern on the orange set on the second row with the tropical print. Im sure you would look amazing in that one. 😉 What kind of law do you practice? x x x

    1. Thanks so much, LJ!! My auntie really is funny. lol. And she was right! I practice municipal law. 🙂

  2. Gotta love aunties. I like this collection. I never thought about how versatile sleeves could be on swimwear. These are all super cute. Thanks for sharing.