
When It All Comes Together


Top: Similar, Similar, Similar, Similar, Similar // Skirt: VERY similar, Similar, Similar // Shoes: Similar, Similar, Similar // Clutch: c/o Ankara Luv

striped-blouse-grey-skirt-neon-pumps-ankara-clutch-2 striped-blouse-grey-skirt-neon-pumps-ankara-clutch-3 striped-blouse-grey-skirt-neon-pumps-ankara-clutch-4 striped-blouse-grey-skirt-neon-pumps-ankara-clutch-5  striped-blouse-grey-skirt-neon-pumps-ankara-clutch-7 striped-blouse-grey-skirt-neon-pumps-ankara-clutch-8 striped-blouse-grey-skirt-neon-pumps-ankara-clutch-9

Happy Friday, Friends!!! As per usual, I am thrilled the weekend is finally here!! *starts dancing*  Nothing particularly exciting is going on that I know of…if you hear of something, let me know! Haha.  No, just kidding. I love lazy weekends.  Realistically, I’ll probably be at home either lazying about and watching tv (I need to finish watching the New Edition Story…I’m on the last part!  It’s so good!!) or doing something productive like cleaning or doing laundry.  We’ll see.

Anyway, on to the outfit for today!  Do you ever have those moments where you know you want to wear something in your wardrobe, but you aren’t sure what to pair it with?  That’s what happened with this outfit, but it ended up coming together!  I had recently been inspired by a post I saw on Instagram that paired yellow and grey.  I was excited I already had the pumps and skirt to make such a look work, but I hadn’t quite figured out what top to wear.   I started to survey my closet looking for printed tops that could work, but I mainly hoped to find a neutral top that would complete the look.  When I came across this striped top (also seen here) in my closet, something just clicked and I just knew it would work and create a different type of look that could be worn just about anywhere!  After all, I am a fan of stripes with basically everything.  I immediately grabbed the top and my ankara clutch from Ankara Luv (also seen here), and it just all came together!  Fortunately, these things just work out sometimes.  That’s part of the fun of playing around with fashion.   Create looks that are inspired by things in the world (Pinterest, Instagram, etc) and then complete them with the stuff you have in your own closet!!  Try new things! It’s a pretty great feeling when the look you created works for you!

As a side note, is it me or does this look have a Beetlejuice vibe? LOL . Maybe it’s the stripes and the yellow/green shoes.   Maybe I should call this look, “Beetlejuice Chic.”  Lol.  I’m just over here cracking myself up.  Anyway, have a phenomenal weekend, and thank you so much for reading!!


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